The challenge of automation. Automation allows organizations to add value to their business, streamline their operations and at the same time increase their productivity.
Automation allows organizations to add value to their business, streamline their operations, and at the same time increase their productivity.
In the midst of an accelerated adoption of technological tools, derived from the restrictions on mobility due to the pandemic, thousands of companies were given the task of investing in technology to automate their processes by resorting to the use of Artificial Intelligence.
In this sense, automation allows organizations to add value to their business, streamline their operations and at the same time increase their productivity. For this reason, Michael B. Horn and C.J. Jackson in the article "No more paradoxes: invest in AI and people alike", published by the MIT Sloan Management Review Mexico, highlight that several companies in the consumer goods, pharmaceutical and biomedical industries, were the fastest to implement technology to automate their processes and stay competitive.
However, this drastic transformation of companies has generated that those who work in them, have a bad perception of automation, even, most employees feel somewhat threatened or at risk of losing their jobs by the implementation of robots that operate from Artificial Intelligence.
Skills development
According to the article, the automation of processes should not be seen as a bad sign for employees, but on the contrary, it is an opportunity for them to improve their skills and develop their talent within the company.
"Robots and other forms of automation require regular maintenance, performance adjustments and other important quality control measures, all of which require the human factor."
Likewise, specialists mention that automation in the form of robots, artificial intelligence and others will take on routine, repeatable tasks that follow rules; so it is possible that companies will do without certain jobs; but undoubtedly, automating some tasks will allow them to produce more.
Finally, they mention that in order to face the lack of technical and managerial talent, companies should invest in improving and updating the skills of their own workforce, so they will be better prepared to face the coming changes in technology; in addition, they encourage job stability.
Automatización e Instrumentación